Hold professional certification expiring this summer and worried about it lapsing? Click here to learn more about renewing and certificate dates.

Welcome to MyPSC

MyPSC is a secure website for Georgia educators and applicants for educator certification. Here you can view or print your certificate, read correspondence sent to you, update your personal information on file with the Professional Standards Commission, and access other PSC resources.

To help us process applications efficiently, please wait at least two weeks after completing your application before contacting our office with any concerns.

Mailing Address

Georgia Professional Standards Commission
200 Piedmont Avenue SE
Suite 1716, West Tower
Atlanta, GA 30334-9032

Phone Contact

(404) 232-2500
Metro Atlanta and Long Distance Line

(800) 869-7775
Toll Free Outside the Metro Atlanta Area

Our Certification Call Center is open 8:00 am to 11:30 am and 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays, except for state holidays.

Human Trafficking Notice

Call now or click here to learn more.
